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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Howdie People!!

Rally Photo Labs Phylosofi sudah selesai di laksanakan kemarin tanggal 30 January 2010. Terimakasih atas partisipasi semua peserta, kami ingin meminta maaf jika ada kekurangan baik yang di sengaja maupun tidak. Proses penjurian sedang di jalani, penilaian rally photo mencakup aspek: ketepatan foto, keterampilan dan teknik, kecepatan, serta hasil akhir foto model. Pemenang akan di umumkan pada saat Closing Labs Phylosofi tanggal 7 February 2010 di Gallery Oktagon Gunung Sahari. Hadiah menunggu!! meet you there ;)

Best Regards,

Labs Phylosofi-

Friday, January 29, 2010

Jangan lupa bagi peserta Rally Photo, hari ini 29 January 2010 akan diadakan Techmeet pukul 14:00 di SMA Labschool Jakarta. Untuk tempat pertemuan akan kami sms ke nomor masing-masing, thankyou.
Bagi yang belum mengumpulkan foto, harap mengumpulkan paling lambat tanggal 31 january 2010. Fotografi dicetak 12R doff (max. 2 lembar), Toycam di cetak 4R doff (max. 5 lembar). Jangan lupa tulis data dirimu beserta judul foto di selembar kertas dan di tempel di belakang foto.

Info lebih lanjut hubungi CP kami, Bila dan Laras.
mention us! @Labzoom

thanks :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

TECHMEETING bagi peserta RALLYPHOTO Labs Phylosofi 2010: JUMAT 29 JANUARY 2010 JAM 14:00-selesai @ SMA LABSCHOOL JAKARTA

we gonna text you ASAP!

for more information please text our CP, thanks!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

LabsPhylosofi 2010 "Enchanting Indonesia" 5-7 February 2010: Exhibition, Closing Act (7 February 2010): Acoustic Band, Saman, Choir, Short Film, and many more!! FOR FREE

Oktagon Photography Store
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya no.50 A, Jakarta Pusat

for more information, please ask:


or just send us an email to:

Pendaftaran untuk cabang Short Film dan Toycam di perpanjang hingga 31 January 2010 (berikut pengumpulan berkas paling lambat di tanggal yang sama).

Sunday, January 24, 2010

La Musique.

Labs Phylosofi terbuka bagi para band-band yang ingin memeriahkan acara pada saat penutupan pameran tanggal 7 February 2010.
Konsep band dalam bentuk Akustik.

Daftarkan segera ke CP Labs Phylosofi 2010


Thursday, January 14, 2010


Dear, People.

-Pendaftaran di perpanjang sampai dengan tanggal 25 January 2010
-Pengiriman berkas (foto dan short film) paling lambat 31 January 2010

*sertakan identitas kalian pada saat pengiriman berkas, di tulis di belakang foto, dan map untuk shortfilm.

Kirim karya terbaikmu, partisipasi anda sangat kami tunggu :)

So, why don't you kick off your new year with LabsPhylosofi 2010?!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Semua peserta Labs Phylosofi 2010 "Enchanting Indonesia" akan mendapatkan sertifikat keikutsertaan lomba. Dan untuk pemenang, hadiah yang didapat adalah sebagai berikut:

Juara I:
- uang tunai sejumlah Rp 750.000
- Voucher Darwis Triadi School of Photography sebesar Rp 1.000.000
- 20% discount voucher for Crumpler camera bags
- 3pcs discount voucher for Oktacare photography equipment services at Oktagon Photography Store

Juara II:
- uang tunai sejumlah Rp 500.000
- Voucher Darwis Triadi School of Photography sebesar Rp 1.000.000
- 20% discount voucher for Crumpler camera bags
- 2pcs discount voucher for Oktacare photography equipment services at Oktagon Photography Store

Juara III:
- uang tunai sejumlah Rp 250.000
- Voucher Darwis Triadi School of Photography sebesar Rp 1.000.000
- 20% discount voucher for Crumpler camera bags
- 1pcs discount voucher for Oktacare photography equipment services at Oktagon Photography Store

Juara I:
- uang tunai sejumlah Rp 750.000
- Rp 1.200.000 membership discount on CreativeTrees.com
- Voucher Darwis Triadi School of Photography sebesar Rp 1.000.000
- 3pcs 25% dicount voucher for Oktarent photography equipment rentals at Oktagon Photography Store

Juara II:
- uang tunai sejumlah Rp 500.000
- Rp 1.200.000 membership discount on CreativeTrees.com
- Voucher Darwis Triadi School of Photography sebesar Rp 1.000.000
- 2pcs 25% dicount voucher for Oktarent photography equipment rentals at Oktagon Photography Store

Juara III:
- uang tunai sejumlah Rp 250.000
- Rp 1.200.000 membership discount on CreativeTrees.com
- Voucher Darwis Triadi School of Photography sebesar Rp 1.000.000
- 1pcs 25% dicount voucher for Oktarent photography equipment rentals at Oktagon Photography Store

Juara I:
- uang tunai sejumlah Rp 750.000
- Voucher Darwis Triadi School of Photography sebesar Rp 1.000.000
- Rp 200.000 discount for Manfrotto camera tripods and lightings support
- 3pcs discount voucher for Oktacare photography equipment services at Oktagon Photography Store

Juara II:
- uang tunai sejumlah Rp 500.000
- Voucher Darwis Triadi School of Photography sebesar Rp 1.000.000
- Rp 200.000 discount for Manfrotto camera tripods and lightings support
- 2pcs discount voucher for Oktacare photography equipment services at Oktagon Photography Store

Juara III:
- uang tunai sejumlah Rp 250.000
- Voucher Darwis Triadi School of Photography sebesar Rp 1.000.000
- Rp 200.000 discount for Manfrotto camera tripods and lightings support
- 1pcs discount voucher for Oktacare photography equipment services at Oktagon Photography Store

Juara I:
- uang tunai sejumlah Rp 1.000.000
- Voucher Neumatt centre of photography studies sebesar Rp 850.000
- 3pcs 25% dicount voucher for Oktarent photography equipment rentals at Oktagon Photography Store

Juara II:
- uang tunai sejumlah Rp 750.000
- Voucher Neumatt centre of photography studies sebesar Rp 750.000
- 2pcs 25% dicount voucher for Oktarent photography equipment rentals at Oktagon Photography Store

Juara III:
- uang tunai sejumlah Rp 500.000
- Voucher Neumatt centre of photography studies sebesar Rp 600.000
- 1pcs 25% dicount voucher for Oktarent photography equipment rentals at Oktagon Photography Store

hadiah dipersembahkan oleh:

Oktagon Photography Store
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya no.50 A, Jakarta Pusat //
Kemang Icon, Jl. Kemang Raya no. 1, Jakarta Selatan

Darwis Triadi School of Photography
Jl. Pattimura no. 2, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hello World!!!

Meanwhile, we wish you a very merry Happy New Year 2010, have a good new year! may God bless all of us.